Person Centred Planning – HSE Information for families

The HSE have published some information for families and circles of support to inform them about person centred planning. The documents cover what it is, why it is needed and provides more information about personal plans and their development.

What is Person-Centred Planning?

Person-Centred Planning enables a person to make informed choices about how they want to live their life, now and in the future. It supports the person to identify their dreams, wishes, and goals, and what is required to make those possible. Person-Centred Planning is for everyone regardless of the level of support they need.

Why do we need a framework for Person-Centred Planning?

The National Framework guides how Person-Centred Planning is carried out across services for persons with a disability in Ireland. The Framework is of interest to anyone involved in the Person-Centred Planning process; persons with a disability, staff, managers, families, and Circles of Support.

The Personal Plan

Every person should have a Personal Plan. The Personal Plan can contain several different types of plans, including the Person-Centred Plan and Personalised Care and Support Plans. Recognising what is important to a person and what is important for them can help us to understand the difference between the Person-Centred Plan and Personalised Care and Support Plans

For more information please read the HSE documents linked above.

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