Adult Residential Services
To support people in accessing their own homes, we have a number of residential services with a wide range of supports. Some people only need a monthly phone call or weekly home visit, while others need 24 hour nursing care. We have different types of homes for people depending on their needs. We aim for people to choose where they live based on their Person Directed Plan.
City Gate Independent Living
Our City Gate service supports independent living in the community. People live in private rented housing, social housing or their own homes, and we support them with issues like budgeting, shopping, housekeeping and maintenance. We do this through home visits and telephone support.
Living Ordinary Lives, In Ordinary Places
In 2022 City Gate started the process of supporting two ladies with Moderate Intellectual Disability to live independently in a two-bedroom apartment in South Dublin. They have now moved from DLRCC housing lists and are tenants of Interaid, with tenancy agreements signed and in place.
Both ladies are transitioning slowly, staying over an average of two nights per week. They are supported by a City Gate support worker and a Day service support worker, who liaise with families. Staff support an open line of communication and have set up a What’s App group for both ladies.
They are learning the aspects of sharing at home and understanding they both have busy, separate lives. They get on well and enjoy each other’s company but both have experienced sleeping over on their own in the apartment.
To Apply for Adult Residential Services
Unfortunately there is a long waiting list for some of these services, due to lack of resources.
To apply for residential services, please email the Secretary of the Residential Wait-list Committee at:
If you are a current adult day services attendee you can apply to Programme Manager, Respite Services at: