The Friendship Residency @ Dun Laoghaire Baths

We are delighted to partner with Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council on this studio residency for professional artists.
The Residency offers an artist/s access to Studio 4 in dlr Baths from September 2024 for 12 months. The Residency allows the space and time to focus on the creation of the artist/s own work while also building relationships with us and other participants including Enable Ireland.
The Service aims to explore the meaning of friendship today, with the artist/s, as a starting point. This Residency aims to be a positive and joyful one for all involved, a celebration of mutual trust and support, of friendship.
What does this Residency offer?
  • Full access to Studio 4 in dlr Baths from September 2024 for 12 months. (Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council will cover the costs associated with providing the Studio including rent and utilities).
  • Opportunity to create art with participants from Enable Ireland and St. John of God Dublin South East Services.
  • Support from the partners for the duration of this residency, including staff support for sessions with participants.
  • A monthly fee in total of €2,000 for the artist/s to support their practice.
  • Materials budget to maximum of €5,000.
  • A stipend of €1,500 to allocate to training/mentorship to assist the artist to develop their collaborative arts practice and consider how this may impact their work.
Who can apply?
  • This Residency is open to professional artists 
  • Particularly welcome are applications from artists who have experience in creating art with people and ideally with people with disabilities.
  • It is open to applications from artists who work together for this residency.
  • Particularly welcome are artists who represent the diversity of Irish society. We encourage applications from all areas of our community regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, civil or family status, religion, age, disability, race or membership of the Traveller Community, or socio-economic background.
For more information on how to apply please click here DLR COCO (
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